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The third phase of the New Cadre Power Camp of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings commenced successfully.

2023-05-18 views 163

The opening ceremony of the third phase of the NewCadre Power Camp, organized by Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings, was recentlyheld in the multi-function hall of the new Yangtze Administration Building. Theceremony was attended by a total of 66 individuals, including Group PartySecretary Zhang Hongfei, leaders from line management departments ofsubsidiaries, students of the Power Camp, and their respective directsupervisors.


The project comprises seven components, includingproject design, project planning, project organization structure, projectoutput and presentation, learning instructions, scoring rules, and assessmentand selection. During the kick-off meeting, the group training center provideda comprehensive overview of the project. Group Party Secretary Zhang Hongfeidelivered a speech at the opening, highlighting three key points for the newlyrecruited cadres and students: 1.maintaining loyalty to the enterprise,2.making continuous progress in their work, 3.prioritizing self-development.